Mission Coordinator Subsystem

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Onboard management of the instrumentation crew during a mission is the responsibility of the ARIA mission Coordinator (MC). The MC operates a mission control console in the instrumentation area where he monitors the status and operation of all ARIA subsystems and initiates any needed commands to the equipment operators. The MC is the interface between the aircraft and the ARIA Operations Control Center (AOCC) for coordination of mission-related information and serves as the point of contact between the flight crew and the instrumentation crew.

Within the increasingly dynamic climate of space launch, ARIA must be flexible. As a result, new ARIA Mission Planning Software (AMPS) has been created to meet these needs and allow last minute changes to planned vehicle trajectories, aircraft mission support points, etc. This new windows based software, designed by 1Lt Casey Moore - ARIA Mission Coordinator, allows the MC to import any properly formatted (efg) trajectory and transfer this information to the Antenna Control Assembly (ACA) via a laptop personal computer. After the ACA receives the trajectory (essentially points in space with respect to time for vehicle position), it will use the theoretical points along with aircraft positioning to determine antenna pointing data. See AMPS snapshot below.


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