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Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft
ICQ User Listing
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John D. Nakos has chosen ICQ as the best available method of communications between all ARIA members, Families, and Friends. ICQ empowers members with a means to chat whenever they like and enables them to stay in contact, discuss similar interests or anything else. I encourage all members to get ICQ and provide me with their ICQ numbers. I will list the ICQ numbers of all members below, allowing quick contact with members for anyone who may visit this page. All members are included in the list below by default. To have your name added (Please include your Full Name, Nickname (If Applicable), ICQ number, Location, and Association with the aircraft and Dates of Service) or removed from the list, please email me. Thank you.
ICQ List Name:
Advanced Ranged Instrumentation Aircraft
Description / Purpose: To allow a means for all Past, Present, and Future ARIA Members,
there Families, and Friends to locate each other, renew old friendships, get acquainted,
and talk about the good old days, etc.
Searchable Keywords: ARIA, Prime Mission Electronic Equipment Specialist's (PMEES)
Relevant Categories: EC-135, EC-18, USAF, Military, Telemetry, NASA
ICQ ListMaster: John D. Nakos
Organization / Affiliation: USAF/ARIA
Location: Edwards, AFB, California
Number Of Users: **In Work**
List Created On: 20/Nov/97
Last Updated On: 05/Mar/01
To be added to this List: [EMAIL] or [PAGE] the ListMaster.
ARIA MEMBERS ICQ # and/or E mail Address | |||||
Name Date's of Service |
Nickname | ICQ#(UIN) | Contact | Last Duty Position | Last
Known Location |
Darrel Ackart 19XX-Present |
D-Underdog | 2224614 | PMEE/SHOP | Sacramento, California |
Van Adams 1982-1998 |
Passin Through | 4144797 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Allen 1982 to 1985 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | MC/FLYER Mission Coordinator |
Colorado Springs, Colorado |
Jim Anania 1990-Present |
JimWiz | 7890481 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Data Separation |
Dave Anderson 19XX to 1999 |
Superdave | 622406 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Telemetry |
Augustyn 1977-1984 |
Joy | 9400326 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Record/Timing |
DeRidder, LA |
Augustyn 1976-1985 |
Augie | 9400326 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | C-135
Pilot Aircraft Commander |
DeRidder, LA |
Brian Back 1980-1989 |
Backman | 13140799 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
Spokane, Washington |
Barclay 19XX to Present |
Barclavius | 51961279 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Antenna |
Edwards AFB, California |
Robert C. Beach 19XX to 1994 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | MC/FLYER Mission Coordinator |
Springfield, Ohio |
Art Benjamin 1969 to 1972 & 1975 to 1978 |
Pilot Aircraft Commander |
Germantown, Tenn |
Biawitz 1963 to 1984 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Enon, Ohio |
Dan Blanton 1986-Present |
ByteHead | 917915 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Data Separation |
Edwards AFB, California |
Mike Carbone |
MASC | 6365840 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
Edwards AFB, California |
Carter |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Edwards AFB, California |
William F. Chapman Jr. 1968-1979 |
Butch | 14150367 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications | High Springs, Florida |
& Josie Coburn 19XX to 19XX |
Edwards AFB, California |
& Ray Combs 19XX-19XX |
PunkyPat | PAGE | ADD EMAIL |
PMEE/SHOP Communications |
WPAFB, Ohio |
Alan Cook 19XX-19XX |
Alan | 530932 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | CREW CHIEF 61-0326 |
WPAFB, Ohio |
Cook 1982 to 1994 |
New Carlisle, Oh | ||
Cooper 19XX-1998 |
Santee | 21806078 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
California City, California |
Cooper 19XX-19XX |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Data Separation |
Powell, OH | ||
Richard Clarke |
Rich | 3336441 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Record/Timing |
California City, California |
Jeffrey A. Dennis |
Reiash | 301768 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/SHOP | Edwards AFB, California |
S Donnelly |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Merritt Island, Florida |
Tomi (McCorkle, Shafer) Emmerick | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ARIA SIM | WPAFB, Oh | ||
Rebecca Evans 19XX-1998 |
Becca | 7931518 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ARIA SIM | Edwards AFB, California |
Kathy Finley 19XX-Present |
Kathy | 2641478 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | Documentation Checklist/TU's |
Rosemond California |
Kevin Finney 19XX-Present |
Maxtor | 365198 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/SHOP Communications |
Edwards AFB, California |
Fox 1996-1997 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | 450TH MaintenanceOfficier |
Fry 19XX-19XX |
Sports | 2620926 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Dayton, Ohio |
Rich Ganion 1981-1997 |
Gargamel | 70291216 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Huber Heights, Ohio |
Robert Given 19XX-1997 |
Bob | 4284018 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | CSC Electrical Engineer |
Lancaster, California |
Tom Gray 1992-Present |
N/A | 1058710 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
Edwards AFB, California |
Greenwood 19XX-19XX |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Louis MI |
Paul Greutman 19XX-1994 |
Traveler | 4330940 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
Cincinnati, Ohio |
Gordon 19XX to 2000 |
Lancaster, California |
Guere 1989 to Present |
Little Bobby's Mom | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE's' Mother | Amsterdam. NY | |
Robert Guere 1989 to Present |
Bobby | 1472046 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Antenna |
Edwards AFB, California |
Glenn Hamilton |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | MC/FLYER Mission Coordinator |
Edwards AFB, California |
N. (Norm) Hare |
N/A | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
Bastrop, Tx | |
Ruddy Harris |
N/A | 558145 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Antenna |
Edwards AFB, California |
Hirsch |
Crew Chief 0894 |
Annoplis, MD |
Husband |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Edwards AFB, California |
Rick Hutton |
PMEE | 7299578 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Data Separation |
Lancaster, California |
I | ----- | ICQ# | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ----- | -----, -- |
Larry Jaques 19XX-Present |
Jake | 4793393 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/SHOP Shop Chief |
Edwards AFB, California |
Jesse 19XX to 19XX |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Edwards AFB, California |
Michael Kriewall 1996 to Present |
Crew Chief 81-0891 |
Edwards AFB, California |
Mike Lavoie 1963 to 1964 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | JC-130A/JC-131 Pilot |
Atlanta, GA |
Larry & Joy Lowe 19XX to 19XX |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
-----, Colorado |
and Toni McAndrews 19XX to 1999 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
California City, California |
Christopher Macken | N/A | N/A | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | Edwards AFB, California |
Randall Martin 19XX-Present |
N/A | 3494074 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ARIA SIM | Edwards AFB, California |
J. McLucas 1990-1994 |
Jere & Laptop | 38589764 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Record/Timing |
Dayton, Ohio |
Miller 19XX to 19XX |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | MC/FLYER Mission Coordinator |
Bedford, MASS |
Frank Molish 1981-1998 |
N/A | (OLD) 3703409 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Communications |
Keelser |
Mitchell Monnig 19XX-1997 |
Mitch | 2372825 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER/SE Telemetry |
Edwards AFB, California |
John D. Nakos 1981-Present |
John D. Nakos | 4115490 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER/SE Communications |
Edwards AFB, California |
Kim Oliver 1985-1997 |
Kimmo | 1476351 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER/SE Antenna |
Goose Creek, SC |
Oliver 1985-1997 |
Ollie | 79138196 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER/SE Antenna |
Korea (South Korea), Republic of |
Orellano 19XX to 19XX |
Bobby Metal | 4831406 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/SHOP | Rome, New York |
Douglas L. Price 1966 to 1985 |
Singlow | 1899205 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Patrick AFB, Florida |
Q | ----- | ICQ# | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ----- | -----, -- |
David Robenalt | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | Fairborn, Ohio | |||
Mike Ruiz 19XX-1999 |
Hiruko | 4076759 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | Administration | California City, California |
A. Rufty 1977 to 1983 & 1988 to 1991 |
Pilot Aircraft Commander |
Mooreville, North Carolina |
& Teri Sanchez |
28045590 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Record/Timing |
California City, California |
and Nita Schmellick |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
DeBary, Florida |
Bob Selbrede |
Bob K6ZZ | 3428780 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | CSC Electrical Engineer |
California City, California |
Mark Sleczkowski 19XX to 1999 |
California City, California |
James Tinsley 1984-1993 |
PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Huber Heights, Ohio |
Lee Toll 1980-1994 |
Spanky | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | Phase Dock | WPAFB, Ohio |
Lee Upright 19XX-1997 |
Golfnut | 5697719 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER (HF) Communications |
California City, California |
Ray Upright 1982-1998 |
Golfnut | 5697719 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
California City, California |
V | ----- | ICQ# | ----- | -----, -- | |
Mike Wheeler 1973-19XX |
Mike | 4611548 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Systems Analyst |
Carl Junction, M |
Greg Williams 19XX to 19XX |
Remo | 1133804 | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | PMEE/FLYER Telemetry |
Edwards AFB, California |
X | ----- | ICQ# | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ----- | -----, -- |
Y | ----- | ICQ# | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ----- | -----, -- |
Z | ----- | ICQ# | PAGE | ADD EMAIL | ----- | -----, -- |
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